Upload Process:  Step 1 - Upload Budget



City Budgets

Ted Nellesen


School District
Community College

Lisa Oakley

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Welcome to the Upload Budget section.  Submitting a budget file is a 4 step process.  ALL 4 STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED TO SUCCESSFULLY SUBMIT YOUR BUDGET FILE.



To upload a file, you will need to click the Browse... button above to locate your file.  An Upload File window will appear.  At the top, you'll see a Look in: area.  Click the down arrow to the right of the Look In area and select Desktop if you copied the file to the desktop, or find the budget file on your computer.  Once you've located the budget file, click on it once, and click Upload. 


Cities are encouraged to save their file to the computer's Desktop.  The original file name is FY25CityBudget.xls.


School Districts that kept the default file name should find the file called "XXXX25.xls" (XXXX is the four-digit school district code).


You will be directed to STEP 2 once the file verification is complete.